Friday, January 31, 2014

My Thoughts On The Water Contamination in West Virginia

By: Ruby P. I did not hear about any new developments used to decontaminate the water. The only thing I heard about it was that there was formaldehyde in the water then it was gone. I think that the chemical plant that was using the formaldehyde could have been more careful than what they were being. Since I live in Calhoun County my family and I were not affected; therefore, we did not have a personal experience with it. I did not hear from anybody that I know about the chemical spill, but I am sure plenty of people had their own experiences with it. I think they should have more people who know how to get rid of it in a timely manner and know about the chemical and what it can do to the community. I feel that by having more knowledgeable people working with the formaldehyde we can prevent a spill like the one we had from happening again.